Forecasting and Demand Planning Solutions

Our Forecasting and Demand Planning Solutions combine cutting-edge technology and industry expertise to deliver actionable insights and reliable forecasts for your clinical supplies.

Efficient Clinical Trials

Optimizing Drug Supply Management for Efficient Clinical Trials

At ICS, we offer comprehensive Forecasting and Demand Planning Solutions to ensure the smooth and efficient management of your clinical trial drug supplies. Our advanced software and expertise allow us to accurately forecast drug demand, integrate supply chain data, and streamline patient planning. With our solutions, you can achieve optimal inventory management, minimize stockouts, and improve overall study health.

What You Can Expect

Streamline Your Clinical Trial Supply Chain with Data-Driven Forecasting and Demand Planning

Optimized Drug Distribution

With accurate forecasts and demand planning, you can optimize drug distribution and allocation, reducing the risk of stockouts and ensuring the timely availability of medications at trial sites.

Improved Supply Chain Efficiency

By leveraging our data-driven approach, you can streamline your clinical trial supply chain, minimize waste, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Cost Savings

Our forecasting and demand planning solutions help you optimize inventory management, reduce overage, and avoid unnecessary expenses associated with excess inventory and rush shipments.

Our Services:

Our Comprehensive Forecasting and Demand Planning Solutions

We help you gain clear visibility and control over your clinical trial supply chain to ensure timely and efficient delivery of medications

Actuals Based Forecasting
& Vendor Integrations

We will set up auto-shipping depot integrations between your CDMO and IRT/RTSM vendor as well as utilize enrollment/site reports to differentiate demand from enrolled vs. non-enrolled patients and route drug only where it is needed

Demand Planning

ICS's own in-house software will dynamically integrate supply, inventory and demand and provide immediate sponsor updates on drug coverage profiles per depot and medication type as well as overall reporting on study health

Patient Planning

ICS's own in-house software will convert patient data into drug demand data and offers smoothing options for under/over-enrolments as well as forecast versions that can experiment with and change over to the current trial build in real-time

Clinical Supplies Forecasting

ICS's own in-house demand calculation software will determine time-phased demand based on enrollments and site seeding needs and show coverage profiles based on depots and medication types in a powerful integrated output. We're named for it!

We understand your trial characteristics

Protocol Characteristics for Forecasting Software

We understand your trial characteristics

Trial Characteristics – We will:

We review your demand plan through data analysis and reporting

Supply Chain Design & Output:

Interpreting your protocol’s visit schedule

Visit Schedule – Single Patient Forecasting Algorithm”

Actuals-based Forecasting

ICS Will Manage Your 3rd Party Clinical Planning Software and IRT

Specialized features managed by ICS

ICS will look ahead for lot expiry management, label group limitations, Import License renewals and more:

Reporting clinical supply forecasting

Result Oriented Study Health Management:

Contact us today to explore how our Forecasting and Demand Planning Solutions service can optimize your clinical supply chain.